Tuesday, 1 July 2014

There is sickness, there are broken bones... I am not sick nor am I broken!

I am blessed...

 There is sickness, there are broken bones... I am not sick nor am I broken!

I watched milo, my faithful dog being walked by his adoptive mama/walker across the fields on the downs..   I sat on a bench under a majestic oak tree, dappled sun, amazing views of  the hills.  As I watched them ramble away,  I caught my mind saying "ugh'. Can't remember when I could go on such a ramble with milo"......

I Stopped because I realised there was a smile coming through my body, there was a joy...I knew that milo was loving his freedom, he was all smiley and bouncy, his adoptive mama was enjoying his company and I was feeling it all...sat on my bench under the tree.  I had tears of joy, gratefulness and happiness that I could cultivate this joy out of this situation, 'this current bowl' I had been given ...instead of feeling sadness at some misguided thinking I was missing out,  nonsense, I could feel their joy, I am part of it, we are all connected.  Truly blessed.

My body sang with it.. I finished the book I had taken with me, I managed to cross my one good leg in "lotus' position, and I gazed at the flowers, the insects and the clouds.

Truly blessed and grateful for those that surround me, love me, support me.  :).



Ps...  The book I had been reading is "how to be sick" by Toni Bernhard.  I recommend this for anyone with any illness, chronic condition!  Amazing insights in there....    :).

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