Thursday, 3 February 2011

Feedback Sought? Next Step?

Hello blog readers...

Half way through my course of Steroids and I am feeling so much better! The not so nice side effects are almost worth it! My ears have calmed down and to my surprise my breathing is a tiny bit easier! Thats a first with any kind of conventional drug!

I know that the steroid use can only be a temporary measure - I dont want to be on them long term... I know that I can reverse this auto-immune response as I triggered it somehow in the first place..that

Everything i have tried so far has helped me go deeper, get to an issue deep within, a journey if you like, self discovery into the mind, emotional, spiritual body..but still my breathing is an issue. There has to be a key I can reach in there!

I have tried Drugs, Acupuncture, kinesiology, herbs, homeopathy, Buteyko Method, EIS Scan, voice training, meditation, stress relief/relaxation, massage, healing etc.. I am sure I've missed some!

The only thing that has helped is diet..changing to a more vegan diet definately helped with the cancer scares and reduced the number of cartlidge flare ups! Although, this hasnt really helped my breathing in any way.. Tried dairy free, vegan, gluten free, avoiding certain known trigger foods etc etc....

So.. looking at all manner of things..came across The Silva Method, The Journey, NLP, Hypnosis, EFT, Alexandra Technique so far.

If any of you know of any good practitioners, off-the-wall bods that might be worth a visit or have any experience of any of the above, I'd love to hear from you. Anywhere! I'm sitting with it all and seeing if anything 'speaks' to me as to where to go next...



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