Saturday, 7 August 2010


amazing connections...realisations...flashes of inspiration...transmissions....

Yes, I have discovered there is internet access here.... however, endevouring not to get hooked in to this virtual world!

Seeing so many coincidences today...parallels... 

-talking of communing with whales/dolphins - my journey started with being given a tape of whale/dolphin sounds when I was lieing in hospital, strapped to my bed some 11 years ago...never played such 'music' since!  through to my ex visiting whales/dophins in the Azores.. to Nifer, a girlfriend doing exactly the same thing at this time!   What a gift these beings of the sea are......

-visits to crop circles, meanings etc..possibly acupuncture on mother earth... our (with ex) visit to the crop circle by silbury hill last year - I was very ill in the circle...  it was of a mayan resonance with the mayan cultures, their prophecies,   to today discussions of that exact same circle, others..their possible communications etc etc

- visits to stone circles, sacred sites.. we have visited so many this last year...  together... and alone..  again,  all being brought up today in discussions...  allowing others to go on their journey..cannot guide etc etc

feeling my pain in seeing anothers faltering steps on their journey..and just being there to hold the energy from afar...or rather not even hold the energy.. just BE myself.. in my own power.. and let and trust life unfold!

sweet pain..sweet surrender...  I am being nutured here, with love, with touch, with beautiful food, countryside, fresh air and yes.. a hot tub!  Bliss!

Great to see more sisters reading, sharing my journey... please share yours too..

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