Monday, 28 March 2011

Hmmm... no title...just hmmm!

Again, been a while since I wrote.  Sat up in bed right now, listening to the birds outside and loving the feel of the duvet, sheets and pillows! 

Over the weekend, was taken to do an activity that I rarely undertake and when I do hardly ever enjoy - Shopping!  Even stranger to go around shops with a man, picking things out, asking me to try things on etc.  I found it uncomfortable and I got self-conscious but I endeavoured to drop the thought and feelings surrounding this and to surrender and allow this man to give his love, to allow the gift of receiving!   Felt lovely but still a little awkward for me.   I know that to receive is allowing someone else the gift of giving...the buzz, the happiness that brings..but still hard to do.

Afterwards back to where I am more comfortable, amonst stone circles, woods, open countryside..exploring new places, sights and sounds.  Breathing in the freshness of the air rather than the hustle and bustle of a busy city centre.   Wonderful.

Soooo tired... have been sleeping lots over the last couple of weeks, but after the shopping trip, felt exhausted..the city centre, all those people, energy in shops etc drained me.   Whilst the stones and countryside rejuvenated me a little, it wasnt enough and later had to come out of a Nick Harper gig, part way through becuase I was falling asleep on my feet!  Not an easy thing to do with the music Nick was playing!

Today though, lazing in bed for the morning, feeling delicious after such tender loving over the last few days.

I have a blessed life!  XX

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