Monday, 12 July 2010

Catch Up


Again, its been a few days since I wrote..  I've been at a festival, catching up with old friends, connecting with others..listening to music and dancing!  Wonderful!

Seen how amazingly crafty our minds are!  Creating all sorts of scenarios, stories, outcomes etc based on a few lines written on someones FB page...  Having read a few lines, I got so upset, so angry..went outside to sit on the earth to ground...and then discussed the whole thing with a friend, and between us, created a whole story around it...  and then just as I'd 'decided' what I was going to do about it.. discovered that actually, I'd got a date wrong and so got totally worked up over nothing!  Just one simple fact, totally changed my energy and how I 'thought' about someone...amazing!  Very powerful our minds!

I'm away from home at the moment and away from my sacred trees... staying in a town with just a park for greenery...but I take Milo there so that we may both get connected to earth energy more easily.   I will be travelling for a few days now..visiting the Dorset area for a few days! 

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