Saturday, 17 July 2010

New Day!

Well.. very briefly when I first awoke...there was no memory..everything was just so..and and then I remembered..and all those yucky feelings returned once more...  So I acknowledged them, said thank you, I heard you and got up.    After reading a while, I did my tai chi and vocal yoga, acknowledging the divine feminine and giving thanks for life.   and feel much more centered today.  There is still a nagging pain, deep in my belly..but it is fine...

The dogs are playing around my desk...the sun is shining (ish!),...and ooo.. just remembered.   outside my back door there has been a 'weed' growing all spring...I left it and left it, seeing that the weed was going to produce some kind of flower head... and today, its bloomed - a beautiful purple budleigha...  its a plant that is very special to me...has followed me around a lot...    Another of lifes gifts!..

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