Monday, 31 December 2012

Goodbye to 2012.....Welcome to 2013...

Well...its between Christmas and new year..I have been exhausted!  Not sure if its the time of year, my relapsing polychondritis, having my moon time, being around excited children that don't need a lot of sleep..or a combination of all those.

I have had to force myself to be social able when all I want to do is lie in bed and sleep....crazy.  Nearly in tears yesterday as with my partners family and I kept having to disappear upstairs to have 10mins lie down...before resurfacing for another half an hour or so.  How old am I?  Really getting me scared as to how I will be when I am older....  Can I cope with being around a family full time...  In my head a lot about it all.  

However, the final days of up and down year..many things let go of and many things coming in new.  This new year will be different..I am usually with my good  friends bringing in the new year..this year i am with my beloved and his two children, their cats and milo!  

We are going to do a mini ritual together, writing down all the things we are thankful for, all the things we wish to let go of once and for all from 2012 and burn them in a fire.  Then we re going to write all the things we look forward to in 2013...and attach them to lanterns and release them to the sky after midnight.

Tomorrow, we are going to create a family happiness jar..I have talked about them before.  We will all decorate it and then fill it with notes, receipts, trinkets etc that have brought us happiness each day.  At the end of 2013, then we can empty it and look through them all.....why don't you try this...x

So... Thank you for all the love, support and feedback received from you during 2012....looking forward to seeing you in 2013...



Monday, 24 December 2012

Solstice greetings Christmas floods...

Belated solstice blessings!

The 21st was indeed a powerful morning.  As we moved through 11.11...felt light headed, energy pouring in, heat, very warm sensation...  I did the form  movement and yes, felt some shifts....  But no end of the world..ascension from this


Again, it's been a while since I wrote anything..lots going on as ever in life.  I have had to go to London twice in the last couple of weeks to see my see whether my trachea is narrowing again..  They got the camera down so far without much sedation and it appears that what has happened is scarring from surgery has formed which has narrowed the airway slightly...but it doesn't look like any new inflammation has occurred..  I go again in 4 weeks to check again.

Last weekend I learned that a young women from the Facebook RP community had passed away..through  complications of relapsing polychondritis.  She had similar issues to me with her trachea...but they couldn't get the progression under control.    It has shaken the community as a whole somewhat as we each realise that one day, it could be us.

As I read about her death, her age (33) and that she leaves behind a little brought it home to me the seriousness of this thing.  Scary and for a few hours as the news sank it, I felt despondent...but also knowing that I absolutely trust in life,in source, in universal truth..  Made me more motivated to continue with my own healing...stop procrastinating!

Over the last few weeks , it has felt like time has speeded up again.  I have felt pressured and stressed and yet  I have no real direct responsibilities or job!  Everything has speeded up somehow.  I have been exhausted and not sure whether its energetic, my illness or the medications... But I am finding it hard ..I dont like having to take naps, say no to things and walk out of shops as I just can't face them.  :(

Today, I am sat in a house on the banks of the river wye...the river is in flood..and As I type the water is beginning to flow under the doors into the downstairs living space.  I am surrounded by murky water...debris, tree trunks etc floating by...  I have had fun though..I have been sat watching Xmas movies, making sausage rolls and preparing veg for tomorrow.  The two cats are not impressed they cannot go outside and even worse for them...they are having to share their home with a dog!  Milo hates water..he can't get outside either but at least he can use the balcony..when he's brave enough.

Lots happened in my lovelife... I have been humbled by my loves' courage and humility in wooing me to forgive him.  It took much persistence and persuasion..  Forgiveness? Yes...but it seems that's actually harder to do when you are with the person...big learning for me not to take position, forgive unconditionally...and surprisingly possibly facing my own fear of commitment!  Anyway,   I am his home, with his two children.   Spending Christmas here..should be fun...with the river doing its thing as well!  Oh..and the cats and dog being forced to get along for a few days without escape!

So..enjoy..and if I don't write before, see you in 2013!


Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Man listen up.....woman know your feminine power...

Man..listen up!   Women needs to hear, know and trust that you love her..utterly and completely before she can surrender fully to you.  When she surrenders, her flower opens, her petals will open and surround you..and you must be honouring...  As you would do if you picked a rare flower from the garden...  

Look into her eyes..deeply... Touch her passionately...  With reverence for the beauty she is.   

As you enter her...the sweetness will be so sweet it is tender but with authority..for it is that authority of the masculine that she yearns to surrender to.  

She will invite you in deeper..her kundalini on will entice you to go deeper and deeper still...  This is where man can distrust...fear the loss of his identity, his death..  He might want to take control and take this power for his pleasure alone.    Her snake will start to awaken...her body will move and undulate...enticing you to let go to her will...let the snake take you!   If you trust and let go to this..the sweetness you first tasted will seem distant in comparison.

If you are unable to take this..then that is ok... But in your withdraw, you also leave the feminine high on a precipice ...the energy will hurt in her her womb...and sadness..grief may rise in your women...hold her tight.. Place your hand gently on her belly and yoni...reassure her of your love still...she needs to know you love.

Make sure she is grounded and calm before you leave her energetically..don't roll over...don't fall asleep until you are sure she is ok..grounded and still..  Honour that opening within her...her shakti power.  It is this that you truly love...


Saturday, 17 November 2012

Autumn releases ready for the new! we go!  Haven't blogged for a while again, there's been lots happening!

It's autumn and repeating the pattern of the last few autumns, another relationship has ended at this time of year.  Without wishing to get too much into what that may mean..I don't need to.. What I did see today as I stood underneath some that the trees at this time of year show me how they let go of their leaves so easily...  At just the right moment, the tree releases a leaf and the leaf lets go and falls to the earth gracefully.  Their time of growing together done..their purpose complete.  They know that death is just another step into the new...that will come soon inevitably.  A huge reminder from that Oak Tree today!

The 'story' doesn't matter...what matters is how I am with it..the ending may appear the same but its the journey and the experience of it that is different.  i am a different woman this autumn to the last autumn,and the one before that...ever evolving.

That is not to say that I haven't gone into the drama of it..ranted and raged, disbelief, hurt and fact this time,  i fully embraced Kali energy and gave him what for!  It felt good to show the masculine to his face my rage and I did it for me..whatever he thought of my mad dance didnt matter!  I have nothing but love and compassion for this man who is aware of what life is asking of him but cannot find a way through the fog to move forward and transform.    

This autumn, the feeling under that Kali rage was a rumbling underneath, like a volcano about to erupt, of newness..of something far bigger and better coming in.  I noticed my anticipation of what is coming my way and there was a joy in that.

Although I have done this on different levels before, I once again thank all my exes, in fact everyone that has come and gone from my life... But particularly intimate they have sharpened my awareness of who I really am...and creating anew.  With the law of attraction theory, they have shown me what i do and don't want, clarifying what i wish to attract..ever evolving... causing  me to create a relationship that I have not yet lived...but it is coming..I know it.

People don't tend to leave us because we were not lovely, great to be with as most of us are..   But they go when the vibrations no longer more room for expansion..or one or other cannot live what they know to be true causing a gap... it doesn't matter..what you came together to do is it's time to let go like the trees and the leaves!    They know spring is around the corner!
In the meantime..I am so inspired to take action on my purpose...the couple of projects that I have 'waited' to start...  I am sick of being in the 'waiting room'..waiting to be altogether myself, waiting for the confidence to get out there, waiting for good or better health....waiting..waiting...waiting..   The time of peace, sitting down in meditation 'om'ing and being, stillness, oneness, bla bla... is done for all of us!  Yes that is all important BUT it is now Time for moving forward, creating inspire as many people as possible..  that will take action - a movement from that stillness!  

I am a gorgeous, sensual and powerful, loving woman.   :)
It will take a powerful, deep deliberate and masculine man to keep up with me..when I meet him I will know!    :)


Saturday, 27 October 2012

Rant..about RP to Happiness Jars!

A whirlwind of emotions...pain..tears...   Thursday, I thought I was going mad...actually insane....

It started with the doctors.  A meeting to discuss the latest hospital get me to go on blood pressure tablets and to discuss me not taking my aspirin that I have been prescribed...oh and to push the flu jab!  

After discussion, I asked him to tell me what he would prescribe for bp..and he went through the list and discounted them all due to the mtx and my rp symptoms!  He was going to have to write back to the hospital for advice. Although I ididnt want any more tablets to take..I felt my energy drop... Everything is so difficult..I started to cry,,I was so fed up of being in this didn't seem fair.  The doctor was surprised. He has usually commented on how positive I was..and tried to boost me up a bit.  What he said was..if you had all this 50 years would be dead!   Hmmm!

After that I saw the nurse for my regular blood test check...I have not been too good with these recently..very was prepared with fizzy drink and chocolate bar for distraction!  :). The nurse was great, it didn't hurt,,not a problem..she put a plaster on..but I caught sight of the fact it wasn't stopping bleeding.  Ugh going funny now again!  Lol. To cut the story short and so I dont faint now.. I went fainty again..couldn't leave the doctors for a while to recover!  The irony is I am supposed to be taking aspirin to thin my blood !

Odd day after that,,I didn't speak to phone calls, no one on was dreary and dark.  I pottered, meditated and wrote more of my book.  (Yes finally writing a book of my journey!) then it was tea time.

I began preparing the food...and suddenly I went cold and just lost it.  I had a knife and just slammed it on the shattered. I paced the lounge, crying, and dog was whimpering and pacing with me.  I said to are on the verge of losing it...completely going mad.  The thing was I knew this wasn't me..I could see myself  and hear myself as if I was watching a play.  My body was so cold and shaking...and then the cottage walls seemed to be closing in..I got scared.  I sat myself in the corner..sobbing.  I did call a friend to help...she came with hot water bottle, rescue remedy and calmed me..

We talked of how we are independent women, appearing strong and warrior like..taking everything thrown at us in life...being positive etc.  and yet just every now and then, we lose it... We just want to give up...share the load...just occasionally.  And yet there seems to be so many women out there on their own..dealing with some big stuff in their lives.  There has got to be a higher purpose for this...I trust that.

I have no idea whether it was the doctors visit, energies, planets, writing about my past..clearing old emotions out or what...but a few hours later it felt like a huge weight had been taken off me.  I was exhausted and drained.

Yesterday/Today is a completely different day..positivity again...emails, telephone calls, texts, Facebook conversations, even a possibility of some work if I am able.. we will see.

I'll finish off with this idea..I came across it this morning and I think its a wonderful idea by the author, Elizabeth Gilbert! 

JAR OF HAPPINESS. She made a vow that every night she would write down the happiest moment of the day and save it forever.  She fills a jar with scraps of bills, mail, bits of paper with something written on them, sea shells etc  

It takes 10 seconds to preserve the simplest and happiest join me in getting a jar, decorating it and filling it with JOY!  :)  



Friday, 5 October 2012

Hospital visits..Stupa blessings..

A while since I last has been full with much learning.   I am sure we have all experienced the massive transformations and changes occurring in our lives, as though the universe is conspiring to force the unclear to become clear, the unreal to become real...faster and faster. No let up.  I have such compassion for everyone who is experiencing the pressure of this.

I went to hospital yesterday..and it wasn't great news.  I have felt that My breathing had deteriorated over the last couple of months and the tests yesterday did confirm that things are not as good as they were after my surgery in march.  There was always the chance that my windpipe would become narrow again..many rp patients have to have many surgeries.. But I kinda hoped that this would not be in my case.  

It is hoped that this is due to scarring from surgery..which was likely to happen..but if it is inflammation, then it is likely that we haven't got the rp under control through medications.  So awaiting an appointment for a camera to be put down to have a look.  In the meantime, I increase my meds, revamp my diet, my lifestyle and no more stress.

Haven't I surrendered...haven't I learned what I have to learn through this thing..obviously not!  

I woke up this morning scared...scared and feeling alone...  Tears have come, gone, come again..  I feel I need to not show this to my parents, I don't want them to worry..they have such faith in medicine, they just want to believe that all will be well..just need to find the right medicine.    Not wishing to put pressure on my beloved who is going through his eye of the needle at this time....  Or burdening the many friends who support me so wonderfully in any case..

Independent, self sufficient, strong apparently?  I don't feel those right now..I want to be held, have my hair stroked, and soothed with words and love...this feels unjust..but it helps to write the emotions thank you, the reader for listening!  :)   You know what I hear in my room right now...  the tapping of the deathwatch beatle! (superstition as it that it fortells death)   Perfection!

After hospital, we went to see the peace pagoda in battersea park..  It's a place I have gone to only a few times before...and it's always been a 'significant' meeting with the Buddhas...and always with someone important in my life next to me.

I sat there facing one of the Buddhas and remembered the times before when I had had some breakthrough, or realisation about life, some profound experience...and then I beat myself up as I felt I had failed to bring any of them into reality..not achieved my purpose etc...going round in circles bla bla bla..

Of course that is not the case, I know that...and through the tears yesterday, was the laughter at the cosmic joke...that life always steers us on the right path...regardless of the seeming choices we make.  We skirt around, take the bends and twists in life but it seems the universe always manages to steer us in the right direction somehow.  How much control do we really have?  Not a lot!   Look back and you will see....for a while think you had a choice...but did you?

Life truly is amazing...   Why oh why do we take it so seriously... Jumping on and off the roller coaster..getting all tangled up... Ugh.. I just shook myself!   

Let go..let go..let go...  Sit back and watch the play unfold....and listen to the deathwatch beatle foretell of pending death! 


p.s. if you are reading this on are missing out on some lovely pics of the buddhas that are on the blog!

Monday, 9 July 2012

Heartfelt Thanks to our NHs...

Humbled and feeling so grateful for bring alive...for living the way I do...for being loved and supported the way I am....and for our British NHs system!

I was reminded early this morning that not everyone around the world is so privileged. Someone in the RP forum had written something about having a hoarse voice etc and questioning what it could be. In the middle of the night, I read this and wrote to them pleading with them to get it checked case this was their trachea being attacked. I was more concerned that I wasn't scaring them into action but still felt the need to encourage them to get it checked out.

When opening my virtual mail this morning, someone else in the group had mailed me to let me know that they had no health care insurance...I hadn't thought that this person was in America and possibly had no insurance. As soon as I read it, I gulped and cried at the injustice in this world, the imbalance between our people's. It was humbling to acknowledge that there was someone in the world probably dealing with the same illness and symptoms as I am but without the support of medical intervention, drugs or doctors. What becomes of people in that come I am in this position and they are in theirs? Deep questions about whether we choose our destiny, our life experience what we do in our human form.

In the tears there was also guilt creeping in...and my doubt that I deserve to be here, alive, experiencing what I do...that little voice inside me. However, I brought myself back to presence, lit the candle on my goddess altar and meditated to stillness again. Sending healing thoughts and love to all those around the world without proper healthcare. And thanking all those in the NHs, that work with dedication in their service to others.

For those of you reading this in Britain, let's remember how fortunate we are to have such a system looking after us. No, its not perfect but let's remember what others don't have...and not grumble about waiting times, hospital food, car park charging, gruff staff, the headlining mistakes that as humans, doctors make. My god....we could be experiencing far far worse...


Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Blessed...Divine Masculine Presence..Home.

Well, feeling so so blessed..I have waited for so long for true man to fully meet me, to fully claim me, on all state that and for me to truly know energetically as well as physically that what he says is true..and authentic.

It takes my breath away...with the sweetness of sheer bliss that I touch in the lasts for eternity.. Just when I think i couldn't taste any sweeter, the nectar continues to pour and pour into my being, into my soul, my body, my mind...on every single level, in every cell...I am overcome.     

Every cell vibrates to such a high frequency where there is no ‘other’..

“I am home” .. he says..and in that moment, my heart opens more to LOVE..

Divine Masculine Presence...  Divine Presence..   humbled by his majesty.


This is a beautiful song by Nianell - listen to the words...  x

I will write more much evolving...

Sunday, 17 June 2012

A Journey of Evolving Woman: A beautiful blog written by the Masculine to the F...

A Journey of Evolving Woman: A beautiful blog written by the Masculine to the F...: A powerful and beautiful piece of writing by Lori Lothian,  "I’m a warrior in transition." I apologize for my inability to distinguish...

A beautiful blog written by the Masculine to the Feminine..

A powerful and beautiful piece of writing by Lori Lothian, 

"I’m a warrior in transition."

I apologize for my inability to distinguish the benevolent warrior from the heartless warrior, a reflection of my own confusion dealing with the battlefields of yore. When I opened my heart too wide, I was vulnerable to attack from warring factions. I was conditioned to believe I had to stay rigid, focused, prepared for any eventuality, in the desire to protect myself and others from attack. But I went too far, and closed too tight, and eradicated the bridge between our hearts.

I am seeing this now and I am sorry.

I apologize for my perpetual absence, a reflection of my own inner absence, my inability to connect from a heart jammed tight by unresolved emotions that I did not have the tools to work through. I still lack many of these tools, but I am open to their emergence.

I apologize for my inability to distinguish relationship from war. Like a warrior in enemy territory, I would sneak in and out of your life in the night, plundering and selfishly taking what I needed, then crawling back to the other side of the abyss with the spoils. I gave little back for fear that I would become vulnerable to attack. I had war on the brain and I could not see the river of love waiting on the other side of the battlefield. I now recognize that love is the antidote for the armoured warrior, but I could not drink the antidote in my driven state.

I apologize for not seeing you, my eyes blinded by congealed rage and unshed tears. If it is any consolation, and I imagine it is not, I could not see myself either. I saw only that which served my hyper-vigilance, my warrior focus. My mirror was a battlefield.

I apologize for my ungrounded materialism, my power driven tyrannies, my obsession with accumulation. Somehow I imagined that accumulation would protect me and those close to me, but I failed to recognize that it just perpetuated the madness. I also apologize for my egoic abuses, a reflection of my own misguided ego, pumped up to deal with an inherently competitive world. I couldn’t distinguish the healthy, confident ego from the cocky, unhealthy ego. I went much too far in the wrong direction.
I apologize for a sexuality that was objectifying and disconnected from the heart. I know you longed for real intimacy, a merging of our souls along the heart-genital highway. But there were too many defences around my heart, and no bridge could form between our souls. There were moments when your loving ways freed me from my body masks, but I had no template to stand in that heart-fire. I am sorry for this, for I know that the path you longed for was the path to God.

I apologize for my horrifying acts of violence, a reflection of my own congealed rage, my own inability to distinguish real enemies from friends. There are no words that can undo what I have done in those moments of madness. I know this, I do. I would hide my face in shame, but that won’t make things better. I need to own my misdeeds, and then find a way to believe in my capacity to move from a more loving place. I call out to other male warriors to be accountable for the actions of our gender, not in a way that is self-hating, but in a way that is courageously self-honest and genuinely compassionate. The heartfelt warrior acknowledges the error of his ways, and has the courage to do all he can to make amends over time.

I apologize for my inability to develop a conscious relationship. You were right there with your beautiful heart on your sleeve but I was too attached to my individualism and afraid of this unknown terrain. I know the forests, the marketplace and the ways of the outer world so well, but my inner geography is foreign to me. You called me to a place I was ill-prepared to go, although I sensed, below the surface of my bravado, that you called me home.

I am grateful for your willingness to believe that who I was in those rare moments of vulnerability was the real me. You were right—the real me lives inside of my heart—but a few moments now and then was the most I could handle. I saw you as dangerous, for in your presence I began to taste a surrendered way of being. Nonetheless, your faith in my goodness kept me going through many a battle, and restored my faith in life when I most needed it. You were the light at the end of a barbaric tunnel, and I am blessed.

I am grateful that you stuck with me through thick and thin, and I also understand those times you had to give up and let go. I now recognize that there is meaningful difference between a love-ship and a relationship. Love alone is not enough. Without a shared willingness to become conscious, there can only be frustration.
I was so often impossible, clinging to my unconsciousness like a soldier clings to his weapons. I recognize the courage it took for you to keep your heart open in the presence of my resistance. You had every right to seek an authentic relationship, as your spirit was ignited in its presence. Your beautiful heart had every right to be met in its openness and willingness. I am grateful for the time you gave me, a moments respite from the hiding places I mistakenly called home.

I am grateful for Grandmother, for no one saw my tenderness more clearly. I am grateful for Mother, for choosing to bring me into being and for nourishing my body until I could find my feet. I am grateful for Mother Earth, for grounding my expansion and enlivening my spirit. I am grateful for the Divine Mother, the real Mother of us all. I now feel her divine presence, so close. Fiercely compassionate, she was always right here, breathing life into me, holding me safe. I sit in her lap as she breathes me.

I look forward to the day when the only thing that ignites relationship is two souls calling out to one another, two soul-hearts beating in the same direction, a whisper of longing that bridges one essence to another. I want to want you not because it gratifies my ego, not because you are outwardly beautiful, but because your very presence invites my Godself out of hiding. I want to touch you with my heart on my sleeve, to know chemistry between us that is not gender identified, but that is essence sourced, loves liquid lava flowing from the heart to the genitals to the great beyond. In this love-struck world, relationship will always be experienced as spiritual practice, a devotional expression of our God-self.

I had always believed that sensitivity is impossible to hold to in a harsh world. Yet in this moment, I feel sensitive, but without the fragility. I am still wearing armor but there is a shift in the direction of my intensity. I can linger in the heart-space a little longer than I once could, I am softening in places. After so many lifetimes with weapon in hand, a tenderling warrior is being birthed in the core of my being. He is confused, but he intuitively knows that this is the way home.

Please don’t give up on me or my fellow warriors. Forgive us our misdeeds, or, at the least, be open to the possibility that we will change as the trail expands to meet our shifting intentionality. The day will come when our warrior spirit loses its harsh edge, and comes into alignment with benevolent action. Some of us are already there, and many more of us will follow. The road to transformation is dependent on a bridge between genders, a benevolent bridge that celebrates our differences with respect and kindness. That work must begin with healing the rifts along the gender continuum, working hard to heal the collective heart until one day we can stand on a bridge across forever, hands held together, hearts open and alight, embracing the sacred masculine and divine feminine living at the heart of us all.

I will meet you there.

Lori Lothian...

Monday, 4 June 2012

Wow... Blessed, Humbled, Loved...

Wow!  Blessed am I...  Humbled am I.... Loved am I.... In service I am...   


The Real Teacher Is The One Who Shows You The Way But Lets You Walk It On Your Own In Your Own Way

The Wise Teacher Is The One Who Shows You The Door But Does Not Tell You What To Think About What Is Behind Them

The True Teacher Is The One Who Teaches You To Lead, Not To Follow

The Awakened Teacher Is The One Who Is Also The Student

The Genuine Teacher Is The One Who Knows When To Tell You To Leave Your Teacher

The Compassionate Teacher Is The One Who Teaches All By An Example, Not Just His Students

The Courageous Teacher Is The One Who Dares To Expand Beyond His Teachings

The Best Teacher Is The One Who Brings Out The Teacher In You So That You May Become REAL, WISE, TRUE, GENUINE, COMPASSIONATE And COURAGEOUS (Unkown author)

Namaste!  xx


Thursday, 24 May 2012

Re-cog-nition.... retreat bliss.

I have just taken a small retreat with the teacher I once lived be physically in his presence again, meeting his eyes, being into god..the one god...I cannot put into words...true communion.

There was such a depth of trust, honesty, mutual respect, communion..full re cog nition..knowing that this place was home.

I felt so joyful inside, my heart sang..with ecstacy, just sharing the energy and soaking up the transmission into the depths of my being, my body..on all levels of consciousness.  No need for words between us...being knew.

During the retreat I was in a state of bliss, and there was no need to move around the need for conversation, social interaction..I just observed the one consciousness in its many forms...circulating and flowing, its many colours and depths...  beautiful.

I delayed taking my medications so that I could be more 'awake' during satsang...but when I did, underneath the usual dullness of every cell in my body, the veil that seems to shroud my body after the pills...underneath that..was the humming of oneness..and bliss state.  So magical.

There were two insights that took place..the first one being that how others can perceive or project something onto others..based on their own position.  I seemed to have been seen by one person that I was very sad and unhappy...I presume this was because I had kept myself to myself, sitting quietly most of the time in bliss...and somehow, this had caused some energy to arise in them.  On hearing this, I was a little taken aback..for that was so far removed from what I was actually experiencing within.   I wondered if what they had seen was the veil of medication overtaking my physical body...or in fact a projection based on how they were feeling and their own expectations of how someone should be... it doesnt really matter either way.. what took took place for a purpose..perfection.

The other was following something that was said in satsang...  I saw that I had become 'jaded' with man..a little tired of the masculine not being able to stay on the path of love..when the structures start to collapse, when life has to become more real..more conscious...past coming up to love.  Without seeing it, I had a little tiny lock, on a corner of my heart...checking out whether the 'next man' would be any different...  UGH!    That has to open..has to go.... it is my purpose to love unconditionally..fully open hearted...nothing in this life is for ME...its for god..for evolution..for being, for source.

I returned to my daily life with more honesty and courage to open up fully again, fully naked once more, to allow the masculine to truly see me..without reserving any bit of me..  conscious relationship...if a man and a woman can commit to that path...regardless of the outcome...then life will unfold it beautifully..  humanity needs this...the earth would love it!



p.s. yesterday whilst sat in this wonderful sunshine with a beautiful man...heartwarming to see and feel the masculine moving and loving in life in a more conscious and real way...a grasshopper jumped onto my chest.    I looked that's what it said..  :)

Grasshopper Symbology -- The grasshopper is associated with astral travel. They have the ability to leap through time and into space where the true mysteries of life exist. People with this medicine have the wisdom necessary to overcome obstacles efficiently and are able to jump into successful ventures without preparation or planning. When the grasshopper appears to us we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life without fear. Usually that specific area is one that we have avoided and is often connected to change on a larger scale. This can represent a change in location, relationships, career or just in the way we perceive ourselves.
 Grasshoppers can only jump forward....not backward, or sideways. So, when grasshopper shows up he could be reaffirming to you that you are taking the right steps to move forward in your current situation. Or it could be that he is telling you to go ahead and move forward, getting past what is hindering you. This is why grasshopper is the symbol of good luck all over the world. Grasshopper's ability to connect and understand sound vibrations is why he is also a symbol of your inner voice. he could be telling you to trust yours.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Healing continues...motherhood..

Another while since I last be honest just getting on with life, new connections and endeavouring to continue to heal.  The fatigue has been the main issue over the last few weeks...I never really appreciated what fatigue felt like before....  ugh!

Last week as part of a ŵorkshop someone asked me to simply stroke their feet...within five minutes I was exhausted..every muscle ached and I had to stop. I cried and beat myself up internally and verbally...saying its not right..I used to be able to do many massages a day and now I can't even stroke a foot! Humbling experience illness....much to surrender to.

A while a ago I wrote about motherhood etc and this has continued somewhat over the last few weeks.  This is hard to write as I feel grief over all the children I have lost.both in miscarriage and through separations in partnerships. 

Last week with my Transcendence family, during an exercise/meditation that I have done so many times before..something new came through me.   It was an exercise where you state how the opposite gender has 'hurt' project these statements onto an imaginary screen which someone of the opposite gender sat opposite to witness.    As I had done this many times before, I speak on behalf of all women and 'thought' I had exhausted and transformed all my personal stuff.   However, this time, I said 'you have taken away all my children' was a powerful statement to make..and I felt it in every cell...I cried and shook my head.  My partner in the exercise sat in stillness and held space beautifully. 

Of course, I know the reality that life happens, it is not 'mans' fault, people, including children come and have to leave...however, the emotions I felt in my body were real.    A friend reminded me after when I shared this, that I had said last week... "how many more children will I come to love and then I have to let go"...  I'd forgotten that.

I am grateful that I am conscious and aware of what is real and can explore these emotions and feelings... I have met someone with children living with him and I can see that I am wary... not only of getting involved with someone again but also of the fact that there are children there as well.  I do not want to come from a place of fear and this is the first time that I have felt such wariness...I will keep softening and surrender to how life unfolds..

Healing continues in so many ways...


Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Absence from blogging! Forgiveness....

Another absence from blogging...been continuing to heal nicely..although had to up the medications under direction of the consultants!  :(

Its been a couple of weeks of connections from the past coming forth, tidying up of loose ends that I was not aware of, forgiveness etc... 

I discovered that I still had an old FB profile page that I no longer used..which meant that I was still connected to some people from my past that I am no longer in contact with.  Lovely to see an old flame looking so gloriously happy in his new life...a lovely warm energy which showed me how far I have come since we split.    Discovered some amazing photos of Milo that I didnt know existed too so downloaded them to disc..before finally deleting that old page.

After my trip to the consultant last week, I stayed with my friends at Transcendance...wonderful and nourishing as always.  At the weekend, I intended to go to Glastonbury to explore, shop and attend a Crystal Bowl Group Session... however, before all that, I was told about a Mexican Healer named Maestro Constantino who was also going to be in Glastonbury the same day.  well it was donation only and I had nothing to lose...

My friend and I turned up at the house...shown into a very hot room with a group of about 20 others.  It was sweltering...we were so so hot.  When Maestro came into the room, he was dressed in jumpers, hats, scarf, poncho..all you could see was his eyes.  They had a lovely energy and he proceeded to work around the room with his healings...   I wasnt so sure...with me, he just touched my heart and sat me down.  After we were told that if we could not afford to pay a donation then we should go home and 'forgive' someone..I immediately thought of my ex partner...regardless of how I have felt dis hounoured..I can forgive.

We left and I felt really funny...needed food.... and went into a local cafe to eat...and who was there...yes, the ex partner, with new GF, and his two children- serendipity or what!   The little girl came running up to me..and we hugged each other so wonderful to see her again.   After courteous greetings, she came and sat with me whilst having lunch...  the whole thing very surreal but lovely and it all felt perfect.  I was left a bit cosmic-ed out though..very spacy and I had a real burning fire in my belly..rising up my body.  Very faint..

Afterwards as originally planned, we went to the cyrstal bowl session...and I wasnt sure if I should stay, I felt so so weird.  I couldnt work out if this was the mexican healing, the cafe experience or even the medications I had taken earlier that day....

Regardless, I stayed with it..within the first few minutes, the fire in my belly calmed..and I went into deep meditation.  Wonderful body jerked a few times...and the final time, I felt a pain in my heart chakra...and then I opened my eyes.  Everything was clearer, I felt calm, the fire in my belly had gone and I felt grounded.  Thank you Jen Jen... I hope to hear your bowls again soon...x

On the way back to my friends house, I kept thinking of the little girl, young woman that I had connected with so deeply last year.  I then thought of all the childrens' lives I had been blessed to be part of...whilst not having birthed myself, I was and am still 'mother'...  deeply grateful for this experience..  I looked from the car window and we passed another car with the numberplate 'mum' on it....  hmmm! life is funny..  :)

Now....time of my moon...hibernating a little in my cocoon..  welcoming in the new..trying not to be so wary and cautious....much love I am receiving from life, from friends, from the masculine.  Namaste.


Tuesday, 17 April 2012

More healing....

Another Long absence from blogging.... Have been healing nicely hopefully..building up my stamina and fitness slowly.

Still lots of stuff surrounding motherhood occurring. A little while ago an ex client of mine asked me if I would do some reflexology on her, to induce her labour. She was a little overdue and I had helped her in this way before. I was hesitant due to my fitness and energy levels but synchronicities kept happening between us as so I agrees to do it as a friend. I was intrigued as to whether I would be able to intuit the energy...And it was amazing.. I found that I could communicate directly with the baby, feel its spine and head..gently encouraging it to ease into the world. Beautiful experience.

 And then I met an ex partner of mine and his girlfriend at the chalet we both still share. We initially bought the chalet after travelling in Europe and I fell pregnant and needed a base in the uk. It was all we could afford to live in and it was to be our family base. Sadly, I lost that baby, together with a handful of other souls whilst living there. To see him and his partner at the chalet, bringing in new energy into the space was bittersweet. Of course, it is wonderful, she is a beautiful, blossoming mother and when I hugged her and her bump, there was nothing but love and sisterhood between us..but then as we all sat looking at the river, talking...I couldn't help but notice a stirring within, of sadness and loss. It wasn’t until later that day, when I sent him an email, the emotions and grief surfaced and released. In my sharing of this in my email...whilst the sensitivity of it could Have been a source of separation, it has actually become a source of connection. Remarkable...and humbling.

 In amongst the last couple of weeks, there has been little cocooning... I have been away, visiting friends, trying Out new things, new connections :), exploring ideas on healing, attending events and having friends stay with me. Seems very busy and It has been. Seems that life didn't want me to hibernate in my cocoon after all..even ejected me one night with flickering a light on and off whilst I was trying to sleep in there!  Spooky Friday 13th Phenomena.

I have been inspired by watching the healing matrix movie, about quantum physics..the 'new' science that says that all disease and illness is caused by distortion in our energy field...and with intention, this can be transformed. Many doctors and scientists speaking of their particular modality...much impressive research. I do feel like I am On some sort of hamster wheel though... Haven’t I done that, been there? Got frustrated..and of course, that very Frustration is a negative emotion that can cause distortion! Aarrrrgghhh!

More surrender and acceptance....

In any case, I am researching each of the modalities’ it talks about, have written to the doctors and scientists Based in the uk.. Will see if any particular one draws me... I just know there is a key there somewhere..

Will feed back on this soon..

Namaste X

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Friends..Sound Healing

Just spent a lovely weekend with friends, preparing food for a retreat that was taking place at Transcendence.   At the end of the weekend, the course participants did some sound healing on me.  I lay down in the middle of the room, under crystals, whilst people around me made sounds, om ing on my chakras and feet and hands. 

Very powerful healing...the vibrations from the sounding on my body was very powerful...especially when on my throat and solar plexus.   Even more profound was the way in which one woman sat at my head and I lay my head between her legs.  I was touching her yoni ŵith my crown chakra..we were all fully clothed!  It was very powerful to realise that I had never been between a womens legs before!  This might sound funny, but it was profound for me to feel that connection with woman...i had been birthed by caesarian..and had never experienced the power of the mothers' yoni....there was so much energy transmitting through my much shakti power.  Very touching...and I am grateful for that sharing.

The sounding itself did confirm to me that this is an area that i wish to explore further.  I saw Tim Wheater last week in concert and he talked of healing himself through sound..and I had already booked to attend some gong baths next week.  

 I have such a deep resonance with bowls, gongs and sounding...and i feel that this might be my next step in my healing journey.

Hmmmm......  Will keep you posted.


Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Spring..Stages of Life!

Wow... what beautiful Spring weather.. I'm not one for the heat of the sun.. but this early spring has been amazing.. have been enjoying recuperating at my retreat and cottage, and enjoying the company of a girl friend and going to a concert/sound healing.

This week there have been many discussions about purpose of life, inspirations, positive attitudes and optimistic outlooks..

One in particular was with my doctor yesterday... he hadnt seen me for a while and was interested in the surgery etc and asked how I was coping  with such a 'rare illness'...he made the sympathetic sounds and showed concern...  saying it must be really hard to face all this, especially without a partner..who was I talking about stuff with etc...   Phew!  I sat there..and thought it was quite funny really... I had been really positive and optimistic about things but appreciated his interest and care.  I told him how I saw things, that I had many friends and family that love and support me and about the RP forum, where the relatively few of us with this, can share information and support each other.    I acknowledged that I sometimes did dip but generally I thought that there were much worse things to have in terms of illness...such as paralysis, a stroke, cancer etc.  He seemed generally pleased that I was so positive.

All good....and then today!

I went again to the doctors to have a routine blood test..laughing at myself for stupidly wearing white today!  All was fine and then this really old lady slowly came in the waiting room....she was so fragile and weak...with two helpers with her.  And yet, she had such determination to get to the seat she chose...amazing inner determination.  I ear-wigged on her conversation and felt such love for this wise, old woman.  She was talking about her new accommodation.. her window outlook etc...

Then came in several pregnant ladies... all at various stages.  There must have been a clinic on... each one smiling, happy..if a little flustered in the heat.  One brought in a baby in her carry cot...every one oohed and arrred over the cradle.    Then a 'busy' mum came in with 4 little girls...all absolutely beautiful from between 3 and 6...  All had long wavy, blondish hair and various dresses, caps and little shoes.  One was called Holly, another Meadow!  What a wonderful name!  Delightful to watch them all playing...wanting the loo, but playing amongst themselves.  They were exactly how I pictured my little girl(s) would look like.,,when i was younger. 

I sat there and saw the various stages of life in front of me...and somewhere out of the depth, I burst into tears! I had no warning...but the tears flowed!  I gulped them down as best as I could..luckily some music was playing and i was at the back but was noticed.  i tried to read posters on the wall, leaflets on the rack..Lots of thoughts came and went...right from wondering if I would reach old age, if so, who would escort me to the doctors, where would I live....then looking at the pregnant ladies..seemingly i would never experience how it is to be fully pregnant in this lifetime...not experience child birth.    Tears kept on coming!

Luckily the nurse called me very soon...I just about made it to her room when the next flow came...I just stood with my head in hands and sobbed..with her calling me sweetheart, touching my arm...showing such concern.   I reassured her I was ok about the blood test...and shared what had over-whelmed me.  Phew!

The nurse not knowing me that well, said about not too late, adoption etc etc... and I had to tell her about my medications which would prevent me trying, my miscarriages in the past, and that realistically was I even fit enough!   I also acknowledged that I am blessed that I have cared for children in my life time and that I have been able to experience so many things because I didnt have travel the world etc.

As quickly as it arose...once i had spoken it to the all subsided!  Amazing emotion running through though for those few minutes... another clearing and I am sure some more still to do on that subject.  

The needle hurt today...I must have been ultra sensitive too!

Big sigh...but all good...


Thursday, 22 March 2012

Returning to the body...Dis Ease...

Been spending the last few days getting used to this 'new' body.  I had been feeling quite cut off, hard to feel any energy, less sensitive which I am just not used to...and now feel wonderful.

Interesting to note that after surgery I didnt like my solar plexus area to be touched in any way...I tried to go through the resistence but it was painful for someone even to hover their hand over that area.  This is where the umbilical chord is cut off at is the energy line to the astral plane...this is where we leave our bodies when we enter sleep and the route in which we return on awakening..     I didnt ever pay much attention to astral travel and the like but I am feeling that I left my body during surgery and although I had returned to some has taken a while for me to get fully back into my body!  It was definately blocked in some way..or I was resistent to coming back.

My blood sugar levels have also been all over the craving sugar and crappy food!  The solar plexus is also linked to the Throat Chakra..wondering if my body was trying to use food to ground me more?

In any case, with some beautiful loving energy, love making (a most powerful way to bring back energy), gentle encouragement, touch and massage..I now feel more here and so to cope with the internet a little more and write a blog.  On my own once more, i have returned to my cocoon, self massaging with arnica, lavender, going within, talking with my trachea, immune system, breath work, reading, Chi gong, Tai Chi, The Form..and just being.

So... whilst healing, I am looking at why create a throat problem in the first place.  Throat is about 'hiding my truth' throat has been constricted... What in life is constricting me?   Need to express it!  Yes, feel as if I have been there, done that....but feel the desire to re look.. 
Dis ease is an agent of transformation...we transform when we re cognise with our deep purpose...not necessarily 'cured'...sometimes it is how it is!

As a start.. for anyone with a dis ease... look at  this question.. "What are the advantages of being ill?"  Be honest!  Its surprising what you write...

For me:

It has given me 'space'...time...
I have received love, support, tenderness, attention
It has taught be empathy for others
It has given me some sort of purpose and identity!
I feel more devotion to life
More awareness
I have learned to be more surrendered and to have acceptance of what is.


I could re look at when it all started...any triggers.... yes .. can see things..but still not the whole picture!

I feel Its about me hiding my truth.... can I be ME... express my truth to ALL..including family - parents!  hmmmm....

I also get saddened when I read of others' despondency and distress at their prognosis of an illness...I too have been there..still creeps in occasionally...  I want to talk to them of acceptance and surrender to what is...look at the higher purpose, bigger picture etc...spirituality, tools and meditation, visualisations, exercises etc... but how will this be received?  Is it preachey, lecturing? arrogance, whacky..who am I to say such things?  I think it was only a couple of weeks ago i was so 'down' about having RP..what was the point in surgery if the constriction might come back...there is no cure bla bla bla.. I was telling myself...I am so not perfect!

Yesterday I received an email from someone saying they were inspired by my someone said they were in 'awe' of my life...  I find it so hard to hear...and accept that I am perceived to be different...I am not..this 'life' is not special...all life is special!  I have spent all my life trying NOT to stand out, to be part of the crowd, hidden, not special - mainly because i was always told as a child that I was 'special' because i was chosen (adopted) etc.  I shake my head!

And yet, I have chosen some 'different' paths..taken opportunities 'out of the norm'...lived in unorthodox ways, even put myself 'out there' by writing a blog!    Paradoxical!  Some may say it is inspiring..others might ignore...a few might well just cut me I ready for that too!  What is all this about? 

Much to explore and I am excited and in trepidation as to the possibilities ahead....much newness entering this life...newness of breath, voice, purpose...courage... Loving it all in this moment.


Monday, 19 March 2012

Healing cocoon.....namaste.x

Well, now I am back at home following surgery.  Have been spending the past few days endeavouring to come back into my body more and more..a bit of a struggle. Have had a wonderful, young man (angel) caring for me, ensuring all went smoothly, calmly and now back at home, serving me, feeding me, massaging me with such tenderness and love.  I am so blessed.

The surgery day was a bit surreal...I had a cold brewing so I think I had been a little hopeful that they would cancel the operation.  So I was very calm and relaxed waiting for my turn to go to theatre.  They made the decision to go ahead and I then spent some time 'talking' to my throat, trachea,letting it know what was about to prepare.  Asked my body to surrender as best it could, divert blood flow away during the procedure etc..

In the anaesthetic room, yes I got a little scared and shaky...but very quickly they did what they had to do and I drifted off talking of sheep and fields!  No dreams, visions etc just blackness...until it was over.  I woke up writhing on the bed, snaking up and down, trying to re enter my was painful getting back body ached for ages after.

The surgeon operated on the narrow airway with laser and then a balloon dilation...but then they spotted a narrower area further down the trachea that we didnt know about!  So this was operated on to..hopefully I won't need any further dilation but only time will tell now.

When they took me up to the ward..I was put into bay 11...wonderful... Auspicious number and then they wheeled me right by the window..I could see the sky and a tree!  I think I must have smiled and 'whooped'..I was so grateful!  I don't think the nurse and porter knew what to make of that..but hey!

I have had so many messages of support, prayers, healing, thoughts,energy...As I recovered the afternoon of the surgery, I lay there thinking that I didn't deserve it!  I could actually hear myself say..i am fine, they shouldn't have given me so much energy or their time when maybe it was needed elsewhere!  God...what a belief...i watched it and gently told myself that of course I deserved, was worthy and to accept and love.  So humbled.

I now need to support my immune system to get back on track...ask it to stop attacking me..there is no need for it to continue to do this.  This may not be the end of is not uncommon to have to have the same operation several times, continued medications etc etc...the reading of prognosis is scary...others experiences scary....but I have to trust that whatever the outcome..then it is right for me.  I want to explore why my immune system is doing look at all the tools, theories etc.  I have to regard this as a 'clean slate'...

Just now, I took Milo for a little walk and attempted a small was so wonderful to be on the fields again...watching Milo run with his friends (albeit with funny curly tail!) ...  buzzards calling above, sunshine..but cold wind.   My breath is definately much easier, less coughing but voice and throat a bit sore still..  it feels soooo good to be alive though!  So much better than a couple of weeks ago.

Namaste...thank you to all of you..for all you angels sending me loving and healing energy, your thoughts,your my fellow rp'ers for understanding how it is and for y/our courage!  Love to you all!

p.s. thank you for the messages of healing for Milo's broken tail too!  He didnt want me to have the attention this last week!  He is going to be able to keep his tail for now...hes not in pain and it has a lovely curly bit to it now!  much like a piggy tail - such character!  x

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Leaving for hospital...

Well, just a few minutes before we head off to London...thank you for all your messages of support..And for the messages of healing for Milo. bless him, he is chilled out on his herbal tablets..ready to be taken in by my parents. I have woken up with a feeling of a cold coming on...dosing up on zinc and vitamin c and trusting that if the surgery is supposed to go ahead...then it will! there is no nervousness at the moment...just a keenness to get on the road.. I will probably have no way to blog again once I am in will write again as soon as I am able. Namaste X

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Angels Everywhere....

its 4am..I woke up with the wind and rain doing its thing on my roof window..I tried to wrap the duvet around me tighter, to close my eyes and disappear into dreamspace but the wind has howled me to sit up and write....

There are angels everywhere..around with us, supporting us and loving us.  I dont just mean the "winged" variety, beings that hold us and encourage us from another realm.  I am blessed to have angels that have come into my life, to touch me in some way, gift me their love in whatever form or shape that is...

Every single person that has come into my life has gifted me their love and shown me something...enabled me to learn something, grow...some are no longer in my life..that is ok too.  Even though we are no longer in contact physically, I think of them and am grateful, love them for what they have gifted me.  They are all angels!

I woke with tears in my eyes...because after each sleep..the date for surgery gets closer..and I am human, i feel afraid and wonder what the outcome will be.  Its not a "why me?" ..why not me!?   Its more of a "shit", this one of the last days I will have a voice to talk, scream, shout and sing with?  Will i experience pain after surgery?  What will I wake up with?  Will I wake up after the anaesthetic?  There is no despair in this..but there is a seeing of the fear, a gentle feeling that we have no control..its all unknown.

Back to the my awakening all those years ago..I was given the choice to have surgery to remove blood clots or risk them dislodging and going to my lungs.  I was afraid of the surgery and didnt want it..I had been experiencing another state or realm and was no longer afraid of just wanted to be left alone and to trust in life.  However, my then husband was terrified...he wanted me to have surgery..exhausted after another hour or so of him trying to persuade to to agree to surgery..we held each other..  I fell 'asleep' in his arms..I could feel them around but..but I could also feel something else..something far bigger wrapping around us both, holding us both.  There was a warmth, love, essence that enveloped the two of us..  I opened my eyes and knew it was all ok.  The fear had disappeared, I felt serene, calm, at one and nodded my agreement to husband breathed a sigh of relief!  A little while later, the consultant came and said they had had a meeting and had decided that surgery was not the right thing to do now!  I think I might have laughed!  :)

More "earthly" angels are giving me so much right now...each with their unique gift of love.

They have stepped in to ensure that I have followed up appointments, physically supporting me with their masculine authority, holding me tenderly with their feminine sensitivity when I needed it most.  One has continued to step forward with such unconditional devotion and love, I have been humbled to tears.  Another has come forward to bolster me up when I have gotten down - given me some straight talking, humour, even distraction when necessary - as well as love through touch and massage..just sharing space with me.   Another has shown me different tools for healing, encouraging me to stay in this body and not escape to my beloved cosmos.  Others are supporting me in practical ways..friends are dipping in and out, checking in, giving me words of support, encouragement, hugs, their gifts, love as and when they can...and then there are more virtual friends..again giving me their love..just using another form.

All is energy..all is love.

I am so blessed and grateful for each and every one of them..each and every one of you!



Saturday, 3 March 2012

Surgery of friends.

Had a busy but wonderful  week of workshops, sacred meditations, cosmic energy flow and divine touch and loving... :)   A bit too much driving around so grateful to have stopped now in sunny, wonderful Devon this weekend for a friends birthday get together..looking forward to a seaside visit and maybe some tasty fish and chips! The date for surgery is now agreed as the 14th march..somewhat relieved that I haven't got to wait so long as expected and then again nervous that they treated my case as urgent and I havent had much time in my cocoon for the self healing to get into flow.  However, I am now seeing that surgery will 'clean the slate' and I can then continue with my self healing to prevent repetition of damage and progression of the rp. The scariest thing for me is not knowing what they will do..the surgeon himself doesn't know what they will do until he is in there.  So, I won't know what has happened until I wake up...absolutely no control.  I have to trust totally and surrender to the unknown.   If I sit and think about it, I can get scared and upset but on the whole, with the support of loved ones, I am positive and accepting of what is. I have been humbled by who around me has stepped forward in their support and love for me.  Not only the ones  i had 'expected' that have always supported me in times of need but a couple of relatively new friends...amazing generosity and love.  I am so grateful and blessed. It has been challenging to accept their love and giving when they dont have an agenda or conditions.... I have questioned 'why' would they do that?  However, I am learning to accept graciously and honour their love for me by allowing it to flow..hmmmmm. Namaste.x

Thursday, 16 February 2012


Hello all,

Happy belated valentines!

I had an amazing valentines evening hosted by my friends at Transcendence. There was dancing, touch, roses, chocolate, laughter and great fun...

 A bit of stuff come up about health though...  At one point, I had my eyes closed, i was being gently fed chocolate, given roses and whispered too....a man whispered into my ear 'you are beautiful'...I have no idea who he was but afterward, it made me think..would he have said that if he knew I had such a thing as RP?  Would he be saying the same thing  if I end up with a hole in my throat to help me breathe? I the reality of my situation, i was scared again...would I have to stop doing the things I enjoy doing, doing events such as this one, was I going to become unlovable, a monster, so different to other woman my age, would I physically die could I put all that on man and expect him to love me.

I cried in the back of the taxi home..and was held gently by man...Lovingly supported by friends.. Of course such unreal thoughts!  They each came through very powerfully though..a mini 'workshop' of sorts.... No matter what, my essence as woman, shakti will remain unchanged..if a shiva is put off by the superficial, then he has no place in my life.  he would not have enough love or courage to be with me in any case...

I know I am the goddess...beyond what can be seen, what  is flesh and blood...

Back in my cocoon, with my moon...self healing and nurturing.

 Namaste to my Transcendence family.... X