Monday 23 May 2011

Sparkling Wellington Boot's Therapy!

Again, been a while since my last blog...lots of shifts and turns, ups and downs along the way.  

My body continues to be a medical enigma - another consultant signing me away with inconclusive possibilities, no clear cut path to follow.  Once again, stopped all medication that I've been trying for the last few weeks as there was no significant change and many unwanted side effects..feeling much clearer now they are getting out of my system. 

Awaiting my next bleed - already the pain has started, days earlier than scheduled..which today has left me listless, tired, not motivated..just wanting to curl up with the dog really.  However, I've just forced myself up the hill with Milo, putting on my new sparkly wellies for the first time!  What therapy!    Seeing them sparkle in the odd bit of sunray...through the wet grass.. made me smile!   Bliss...

Collected some nettles for some tea on the way back which I am sipping now as I type...

Thank goodness for sparkly wellies!



  1. I bought sparkly flip flops, same effect. Dazzling x

  2. Love it! Sparkly Flip Flops! OOOOOHHHHH Want some! xx
