Many years ago I was at a retreat... Not sure which country now but I do remember there was a stream nearby...  It was a fast, bubbling stream that had lots of mossy rocks and twists and turns on a gentle slope....leading to a small pond.

I was sat there one day...just watching...watching the bubbles come down..some were big, some small, in singles or in pairs or in groups...  They were as if they were dancing...sometimes splitting up, sometimes joining with others....occasionally some would get stuck behind some twigs or a rock..and for a few moments would be unable to continue their journey downstream...circling around until they managed to get into the flow of the water again and continue...or a group of bubbles would hang out and play in a little nook of the riverbank...they seemed to want to stay there..and hung on together as long as they could..but eventually the flow of the current would take hold of one or two of the bubbles and they would seem to suddenly let go and rejoin the main flow again.

I realised that this was exactly how our lives are played out....  We as human beings are the bubbles...  We can be on our own or join with others, people will come and go...  Problems or obstacles will crop up in our daily lives which seem to stall our progress..    Sometimes we relax and go with the flow and at times we make hard work for ourselves by trying to paddle against the flow...saying yeah but....yes but what if....yes but i want to stay here...or our heads go into a spin with some crises.

However, all the time life, as with the water is constantly can never stop regardless of how we think we can control it.. 

When I remembered this scene last night... I saw myself sat there laughing...I can remember seeing how obvious it all was.  We have no control really so just surrender!

If a problem comes up...make the best of it...let life take you where it wants to...its amazing what turns up..  If you find yourself in a great place...with great people...enjoy...really enjoy and be there...for as long as you are there...but don't try to hold on...or go against the flow by turning your boat around and trying to row upstream..

I imagine myself right now lying on my my bubble...hands behind my head...looking up at the sky, to the sides..all around...admiring the beauty of all that passes...enjoying the company of those that may join me...or not.      Namaste.xx